Results for 'Wendell R. Garner'

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  1. Aspects of a stimulus: Features, dimensions, and configurations.Wendell R. Garner - 1978 - In Eleanor Rosch & Barbara Bloom Lloyd, Cognition and Categorization. Lawrence Elbaum Associates. pp. 99--121.
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    Operationism and the concept of perception.Wendell R. Garner, Harold W. Hake & Charles W. Eriksen - 1956 - Psychological Review 63 (3):149-159.
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    Ethical considerations in the communication of unexpected information with clinical implications.Robert R. Lavieri & Samual A. Garner - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (6):46 – 48.
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    Free recall learning of visual figures as a function of form of internal structure.James R. Whitman & W. R. Garner - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (6):558.
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    Vernünftig glauben - begründet hoffen: praktische Metaphysik als Denkform rationaler Theologie.Saskia Wendel - 2020 - Wien: Herder. Edited by Martin Breul.
    Theologie und Metaphysik stehen in einem Spannungsverhältnis. Versuchen der Rehabilitierung eines starken metaphysischen Systemsdenkens steht das 'nachmetaphysische Denken' entgegen, welches das Projekt einer rationalen Metaphysik verabschiedet. Wendel und Breul unternehmen einen Vermittlungsversuch: Sie formulieren eine 'Metaphysik nach Kant' als Leitparadigma der Theologie, die ernst nimmt, dass Metaphysik für eine rationale Begründung des Glaubens unverzichtbar ist, sie zugleich jedoch methodisch nur in der Verwurzelung in einer Praxis personaler Lebensformen haltbar ist. So gelingt es diesem Neuansatz, eine an die Moderne anschlussfähige praktische (...)
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    (1 other version)Beyond Poststructuralism: The Speculations of Theory and the Experience of Reading.Wendell V. Harris - 1996 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The essays in Part I of _Beyond Poststructuralism seek_ to demonstrate fallacies of structuralist and poststructuralist thought that remain potent even though the theoretical structures that led to their enunciation have lost much of their original influence. These fallacies include the idea that one must avoid the consideration of authorial intention; that meanings are undecidable; that there is no justification for seeking unity in a text; that all hierarchies of value are reversible; that history is no more than an open (...)
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    Regulation of chemotactic networks by 'atypical' receptors.Iain Comerford, Wendel Litchfield, Yuka Harata-Lee, Robert J. B. Nibbs & Shaun R. McColl - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (3):237-247.
    Directed cell migration is a fundamental component of numerous biological systems and is critical to the pathology of many diseases. Although the importance of secreted chemoattractant factors in providing navigational cues to migrating cells bearing specific chemoattractant receptors is now well‐established, how the function of these factors is regulated is not so well understood and may be of key importance to the design of new therapeutics for numerous human diseases. While regulation of migration clearly takes place on a number of (...)
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    Book Review Symposium. [REVIEW]W. Bradley Wendel, Katherine R. Kruse, Eli Wald, Russell G. Pearce & Charles R. Mendez - 2014 - Legal Ethics 17 (2):313-369.
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  9. Zugänge zu Transzendenz oder Möglichkeitsbedingungen für das Aufkommen von Religion?Saskia Wendel - 2018 - In Bernhard Nitsche & Florian Baab, Dimensionen des Menschseins: Wege der Transzendenz? Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, Brill Deutschland.
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    Context effects and the validity of loudness scales.W. R. Garner - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (3):218.
  11. (1 other version)5. Roman Catholicism in the Oscar Wilde-R-Ness.H. Wendell Howard - 2006 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 9 (2).
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    An equal discriminability scale for loudness judgments.W. R. Garner - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (3):232.
  13.  46
    Social Justice in IslamThe Policy of TomorrowFrom Here We StartMuhammad 'AbduhOur Beginning in Wisdom.Franz Rosenthal, Sayed Kotb, John B. Hardie, Mirrit Boutros Ghali, Isma'il R. el Faruqi, Khâlid M. Khâlid, Osman Amin, Charles Wendell, Muhammad al-Ghazzâli, Khalid M. Khalid & Muhammad al-Ghazzali - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (2):100.
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    An informational analysis of absolute judgments of loudness.W. R. Garner - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 46 (5):373.
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    Sophocles Trachiniae 419.P. T. Eden, A. Rijksbaron, W. M. Clarke, Martin Korenjak, Wendell Clausen, Ingrid A. R. De Smet, Oleg V. Bychkov & Michael Hendry - 1995 - Mnemosyne 48 (4):197-211.
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    The amount of information in absolute judgments.W. R. Garner & Harold W. Hake - 1951 - Psychological Review 58 (6):446-459.
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    An immune paradox: How can the same chemokine axis regulate both immune tolerance and activation?Iain Comerford, Mark Bunting, Kevin Fenix, Sarah Haylock-Jacobs, Wendel Litchfield, Yuka Harata-Lee, Michelle Turvey, Julie Brazzatti, Carly Gregor, Phillip Nguyen, Ervin Kara & Shaun R. McColl - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (12):1067-1076.
    Chemokines (chemotactic cytokines) drive and direct leukocyte traffic. New evidence suggests that the unusual CCR6/CCL20 chemokine receptor/ligand axis provides key homing signals for recently identified cells of the adaptive immune system, recruiting both pro‐inflammatory and suppressive T cell subsets. Thus CCR6 and CCL20 have been recently implicated in various human pathologies, particularly in autoimmune disease. These studies have revealed that targeting CCR6/CCL20 can enhance or inhibit autoimmune disease depending on the cellular basis of pathogenesis and the cell subtype most affected (...)
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  18. Moral Philosophy: A Systematic Introduction to Normative Ethics and Meta-Ethics.R. F. Atkinson, Richard T. Garner & Bernard Rosen - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (75):181.
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    The accuracy of counting repeated short tones.W. R. Garner - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (4):310.
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    Effect of redundancy and duration on absolute judgments of visual stimuli.W. R. Garner & C. Douglas Creelman - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (2):168.
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    The masked threshold of pure tones as a function of duration.W. R. Garner & G. A. Miller - 1947 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (4):293.
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    Attentional asymmetries in a visual orienting task are related to temperament.Kelly G. Garner, Paul E. Dux, Joe Wagner, Tarrant D. R. Cummins, Christopher D. Chambers & Mark A. Bellgrove - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1508-1515.
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    Attentional asymmetries in a visual orienting task are related to temperament.Kelly G. Garner, Paul E. Dux, Joe Wagner, D. R. Tarrant, Christopher D. Chambers & A. Mark - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1508-1515.
    Spatial asymmetries are an intriguing feature of directed attention. Recent observations indicate an influence of temperament upon the direction of these asymmetries. It is unknown whether this influence generalises to visual orienting behaviour. The aim of the current study was therefore to explore the relationship between temperament and measures of spatial orienting as a function of target hemifield. An exogenous cueing task was administered to 92 healthy participants. Temperament was assessed using Carver and White's (1994) Behavioural Inhibition System and Behavioural (...)
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    Accuracy of binaural loudness matching with repeated short tones.W. R. Garner - 1947 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (4):337.
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    Applying the DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorders and the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure to the Classic Case of “Madeline G.”: Novice and Expert Rater Convergences and Divergence.Alisa R. Garner, Natalie Blocher, David Tierney, Megan Baumgardner, Alayna Watson, Gloria Romero, Rebecca Skadberg, Taylor Younginer & Mark H. Waugh - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Prior research supports the learnability of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition Alternative Model of Personality Disorders. However, researchers have yet to compare novice ratings on the AMPD’s Level of Personality Functioning Scale and the 25 pathological personality traits with expert ratings. Furthermore, the AMPD has yet to be examined with the idiographic Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure. We compared the aggregated AMPD clinical profile of a group of psychology doctoral students who learned the AMPD to high levels (...)
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    Clifford Thomas Morgan: Psychonomic Society’s First Chairman.W. R. Garner - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (6):409-415.
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    Differential sensitivity to intensity as a function of the duration of the comparison tone.W. R. Garner & G. A. Miller - 1944 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 34 (6):450.
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    Estimating the prevalence of text overlap in biomedical conference abstracts.Harold R. Garner, Miguel Roig, Araba Wubah & Nick Kinney - 2021 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 6 (1).
    BackgroundScientists communicate progress and exchange information via publication and presentation at scientific meetings. We previously showed that text similarity analysis applied to Medline can identify and quantify plagiarism and duplicate publications in peer-reviewed biomedical journals. In the present study, we applied the same analysis to a large sample of conference abstracts.MethodsWe downloaded 144,149 abstracts from 207 national and international meetings of 63 biomedical conferences. Pairwise comparisons were made using eTBLAST: a text similarity engine. A domain expert then reviewed random samples (...)
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    Half-loudness judgments without prior stimulus context.W. R. Garner - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (5):482.
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    Rating scales, discriminability, and information transmission.W. R. Garner - 1960 - Psychological Review 67 (6):343-352.
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    Symmetric uncertainty analysis and its implications for psychology.W. R. Garner - 1958 - Psychological Review 65 (4):183-196.
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    The development of context effects in half-loudness judgments.W. R. Garner - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (3):212.
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    The effect of absolute size on the separability of the dimensions of size and brightness.W. R. Garner - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (5):380-382.
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    The Political Implications of Nicholas Berdyaev's Philosophy.William R. Garner - 1970 - Journal of the History of Ideas 31 (1):121.
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    The effect of presenting various numbers of discrete steps on scale reading accuracy.Harold W. Hake & W. R. Garner - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (5):358.
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    Discriminability and preference for attributes in free and constrained classification.Shiro Imai & W. R. Garner - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (6):596.
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    Can false memories prime problem solutions?Mark L. Howe, Sarah R. Garner, Stephen A. Dewhurst & Linden J. Ball - 2010 - Cognition 117 (2):176-181.
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    The Iliad- (M.L.) West The Making of the Iliad. Disquisition and Analytical Commentary. Pp. x + 441, maps. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Cased, £85, US$160. ISBN: 978-0-19-959007-0. [REVIEW]R. Scott Garner - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (1):6-8.
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    The effect of scale numbering on scale-reading accuracy and speed.J. L. Barber & W. R. Garner - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (4):298.
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    Pitch characteristics of short tones. I. Two kinds of pitch threshold.J. M. Doughty & W. R. Garner - 1947 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (4):351.
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    Pitch characteristics of short tones. II. Pitch as a function of tonal duration.J. M. Doughty & W. R. Garner - 1948 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 38 (4):478.
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    Some effects of distance and structure on conjunction errors.Jack L. Gallant & W. R. Garner - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (4):323-326.
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    An empirical test of a derived measure of changes in skin resistance.E. A. Haggard & W. R. Garner - 1946 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 36 (1):59.
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    Letter identification errors as a function of retinal input locus and positional variability.Forrest Haun & W. R. Garner - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (4):209-211.
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    Prediction and estimation of a random fluctuation.Wayne Lee & W. R. Garner - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (4):516.
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    The individual rights of the difficult patient.Roy R. Reeves, Sharon P. Douglas, Rosa T. Garner, Marti D. Reynolds & Anita Silvers - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (2):13-15.
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    Perceptual learning: An analysis based on selective attention measurements.Sheldon J. Tetewsky & W. R. Garner - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):375-378.
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  48. Decisions and Justification in the Moral Philosophy of R. M. Hare.Richard T. Garner - 1970 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 51 (2):157.
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    Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Legal Theory, and Judicial Restraint.Frederic R. Kellogg - 2006 - Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, is considered by many to be the most influential American jurist. The voluminous literature devoted to his writings and legal thought, however, is diverse and inconsistent. In this study, Frederic R. Kellogg follows Holmes's intellectual path from his early writings through his judicial career. He offers a fresh perspective that addresses the views of Holmes's leading critics and explains his relevance to the controversy over judicial activism and restraint. Holmes is shown to be an original (...)
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    Wendell Berry and higher education: cultivating virtues of place.Jack R. Baker - 2017 - Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. Edited by Jeffrey Bilbro.
    Prominent author and cultural critic Wendell Berry is well known for his contributions to agrarianism and environmentalism, but his commentary on education has received comparatively little attention. Berry has been eloquently unmasking America's cultural obsession with restless mobility for decades, arguing that it causes damage to both the land and the character of our communities. Education, he maintains, plays a central role in this obsession, inculcating in students' minds the American dream of moving up and moving on. Drawing on (...)
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